Monday, March 18, 2013

Sand, Sun and Safety Rules?

I need a shirt. One that says I survived yet another winter in the great state of Missouri or Misery. Spring is here and it turns out that damn rodent told a whopper..freaking ground hog. The blizzard like conditions mixed with kids out of school, a barfing baby and a family move just about pushed me right over the edge. However, there is a silver lining. The children are with their dad for spring break and I being the great soccer mom that I am and in true typical Queen Bee fashion will be headed to the beach!!! I am breaking one of my most cardinal rules. I am flying to a state that normally I wouldn't be caught dead in. Let's just say it's the large one, that's south...I'm not a fan, but to clarify the flight is only 2 hours. I made peace with this decision by deciding to stay out of the main part of the state. I will be going to an island. No, not Padre Island, Jesus what am I 22? Let's just leave it at that. This is my own mini version of an Eat, Pray, Love moment, without the year long sabbatical. Some of us have children and other things to tend to on a daily basis. A few facts about the trip.
1. This is the first time I am taking a trip solo.
2. I will be flying into the busiest airport in the United States and navigating from there. I's fine. I have that cool app on my phone that gets me anywhere when I am lost, locally.
3. I have to hide it from my kiddos. Yes, I have those kids. Seriously, if they could be one of those Pitt kids I'm sure they would swap lives in a second just for the amount of traveling/flying they do. They love it. I didn't mean to show them so much at such a young just happened. Things could be worse. They could be addicted to chocolate or Ritalin or something else ridiculous.
4. My friends are kind of intense in the safety department. One friend..."Please remember Natalie Holloway." Um, okay rude. First of all...a. I think she sometimes forgets the fact that I'm a bad ass and b. this thing happens when you become a mom. It guides your every decision. It brings your carefree ass back to reality. It changes your so many ways. Yes..wonderful and also sometimes taxing ways that I am so blessed to have, most of the time.  I remind her that I will not be putting myself in any of those situations and again I watch almost every crime show that is made for TV so she can RELAX. It's really cute though. One friend made me promise to fly home. I guess she thinks I'm going to go rogue and stay in the state that I cannot almost even admit that I'm going to.  Another friend stated that she needs a text every 12 hours or she's going to call the police :)  Those gals. I love them, I really do.
Anywhoo..I'm excited to go and I can't wait to post about my adventures. Secretly of course,  so my kids don't catch me in some sort of  traveling story mishap...Haters.
P.S. On a side note. One of my biggest pet peeves. "Oh, make sure you get all of your traveling out of your system when you are young. You won't be able to do that later on in life." To those naysayers....Agreed, it's harder later, but I'm glad I started traveling when I did. If I had began traveling at such an early age I'm pretty sure I would now be a professional cross country backpacker living some sort of nomadic existence, with a home base in Sweden..for real. I'm glad I made the choices I did at the times  I did...Life is short. If I live to be 100 (it could happen) I've only just  begun.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One tiny pill......

It's very weird. The day that you realize that you are ALL DONE having children. It comes sooner for some women than others. One day I'm sitting in my doctor's office..ok laying with my legs in stirrups to be more precise and him and I start having the famous what form of birth control are you using conversation? Um..the catholic method maybe..followed by a healthy dose of I got my period dancing..sort of. At first he suggests Mirena, an IUD. I'm not a big fan. It feels foreign and the thought of it just sitting in there looking around seems odd to me. I know the IUD is not alive. It still freaks me out non the less. Next in line comes the pill.  Super..I took it for years..I mean YEARS, should be fine. In the interim of waiting to get my tubes tied I can commit to taking something as easy one little tiny pill, right?  Well let me just say that after being off all forms of  birth control for quite some time I have decided that I  kind of like my own hormones. I guess I didn't realize the healthy dose of hormones that gets added to the mix when you take the pill..I'm actually feeling a little bit sorry for my ex husband because I'm pretty sure I took it for almost the entire marriage (minus a couple kiddo's).
Week 1: Also known as homicidal facebook posting week.
Week 2: Also known as beating down the door of exes week and then threatening to call the police because he wouldn't let the children come out. I was also 15 minutes early..Whatever, details.
Week 3: Also known as the I'm sorry..I have no idea what I want right now but perhaps you should figure it out..poor week.
Week 4: Mediation. Hormones were dialing down but overall still nuts, and I'm altogether not a great mediator, that I can admit wholeheartedly.
Granted, Most of the time I would take credit for some of this crazy, but not this time. It was like a really bad episode all month long that starred one raging bitch. Whoa.
Conclusion: Me calling my doctor and explaining that I might need to be moved to the lowest form of estrogen pill there is, just for every one's safety. He agrees while still trying to get me to switch to Mirena. I swear he works for them..Truly.