1) 6:30 am Saturdays. Because my kiddo's get up so early often my 2 year old usually will wake up early on the weekends as well. Thankfully, getting him a sippy with milk buys me about 20 more minutes, barely. However, after that final 20 minutes when I go in to get him out of his room he greets me with an adorable HI MAMA and somehow it's all worth it.
2) Going to church. This can also be turned into more of a selfish act when you consider that church is an hour long service and there is daycare provided...and it's free. It's a single mom's paradise. You throw in the fact that I'm greeted with acceptance, advice and wine and it's basically a no brainer.
3) Running. Again I can turn this into a confessional moment. The baby weight is melting off. It's great, truly. People always ask what I'm doing. I reply oh..running. Then comes the do you like to run question. No..I don't like to run, really? However, sneaking out to the garage to spend 45 minutes on the treadmill while the baby is sleeping is ALMOST like a vacation. It's me time, with music. If someone would of told me years ago that endorphin release would make me feel less crazy (key word feel) I would of started much sooner.
4) Sitters. I have the best sitters. I get it. Some moms are super catty and somehow their sitters never measure up. I completely feel the opposite. They're like family. One sitter I actually spend holidays with. These ladies are truly the best of the best. Ok..one might be a little more whole foodish more than me but I'm completely thankful for it. I occasionally try to get her feathers ruffled by bringing in donuts, she loves it. I'm glad these ladies are on my side because it truly takes a village.
5) Ribbons. Yes, everyone deserves a ribbon, but only the WINNER deserves a blue one. I was raised in a competitive family. I can't help it. I'm all about making sure everyone has their special moment but I also make it VERY clear to my kids that they really need to bust butt to accomplish things. They don't have to be the best but if it turns out they are the best at something...there better be a blue ribbon for it. Period.
6) Spankings. I don't do it often but occasionally I've had to. My kids know I mean business if I start threatening with a butt whoopin. Sometimes all the time outs in the world just don't cut it. I'm ok with it.
7) Spiders. Unless the spider is poisonous or jumps out at us like a squirrel monkey, he/she is not getting killed. Oddly enough we escort them outside, after we catch it that is. It's confusing for some. My daughter had a friend over who casually took her shoe off and pounded a spider and she was met with a united NOOOOOO from my family. Everything has it's place and job. A spider is no different.
8) Helping hands. Our Target family trips consist of my son pushing the cart, my daughter distracting the baby so I can grocery shop quickly. My son put the groceries in the back of my car, my daughter walks the cart back to return it. She also usually will take my Starbucks out of my hand to put in the console while I'm buckling the baby in. My older son will often start the car..if it's hot out to get the air conditioner going. When we get home my 3 little ducks all help unload the groceries from the car. I realize that we work together like a well oiled machine to get things done in our lives. The best part...it's USUALLY without me having to ask.
9) Bath time. I routinely will try to sneak away during a weekend day and try to shave me legs. Alone. End result. The baby in the tub with me, driving cars down my calves while I try to shave. Somehow this becomes a family meeting. My daughter will come in to "chat" (yes the curtain is closed) and will talk to me about her week, or the latest drama on the school bus. My older son will then also miraculously appear and chime in about mine craft and how he did this or that, and what his ranking is..etc. It's a small bathroom that all 4 of us are crammed into. And while I realize that this is SCREAMING privacy talk (which I've had) I also realize that these moments aren't going to last forever and I cherish every one of them. And for one very SMALL fleeting second I sometimes even think...We could totally get a few more kiddos in here :)
and this is why I love you!