We are back from a much needed break!! We went to the beach. My family does really well there and my kiddos are actually very spoiled. The south has a mixture of the greatest people and constantly keep my comedic mind running. Keep in mind that I just got back from a straight through 15 hour drive with my mother. The fact that we are both alive speaks volumes as to how well the trip actually went. Here are some excerpts from the trip:
1) Little girl looks over to my daughter whom she is playing with poolside and casually asks.."Do you wanna ride my daddy like a dolphin?" I guess she felt bad because my daughter did not have her daddy around. Sad but true. My daughter politely shook her head and said No thanks. I had to work REALLY hard to not comment on the fact that I was pondering the offer myself :)
2) This story happened to a friend of mine, but it is too funny not to share. Apparently when you order a skinny latte at the local Starbucks in the south they make fun...Again sometimes we overlook what we take for granted daily.
Can I have a skinny vanilla latte?
A what? Did you say skiiiiiiny? You all here what she said? She said skeeennny? What the heck is that?
Oh..that's a latte with skim milk.
Oh girl...We only have whole milk. We ain't got no skiiiiny nothing. Chuckle, (Yankee's)
Blush...um, okay, whatever you have will work.
3) In Alabama there is some code that you have to start out almost every sentence with the word Hey. And you cant just say it like we do here in Misery. Like...Hey guys. It's more of an excited screaming yelling thing. Hey!!!! You all see that funnel cloud? Hey!!!! Did you want cheese on your burger. Hey!!!! You all know how to upload videos to yooouuu tube (my son's favorite). This is way different even for a slightly more than loud Midwestern gal herself. Either way, its an attention grabber.
4) Lastly...when people can tell that you are not local they are so genuinely nice. My mom and I had to call the guy who we rented the condo from twice. The first time to get the wifi pass code which was conveniently posted on the fridge. Second to figure out how to work the damn 6 remote system entertainment center. Seriously, he should rethink that whole situation from just a general standpoint. It gets a ton worse when there is only women involved...Comparable to a mission freaking impossible. Nicest guy ever...talked us through the whole how to get a DVD to play thing. Anywhoo...where I'm going with this is no matter who you talk to there if they know you are not local they will say at the end of every conversation, in passing, whatever..."You all having fun?" This is what kind of sells me on moving to the south. Kind people through and through. Cajuns on the other hand are a whole different kind of deal, entirely.
P.S......HEY!!! You all have a good hump day :)