Monday, April 20, 2015


     Now that I've been divorced for quite some time I look back and think about the things I would tell myself during that critical time of complete chaos.

Top 10 things I would tell my newly divorced self
  1. It's okay to be scared. I remember looking at my beautiful children and my barely year old son and wondering if I had just made a huge mistake by filing for
    divorce.  It's a scary thing. I have a great friend that reminded me to just take it one day at a time.
  2. Your life will change..Some parts for the better and others not so much. However, every day I came home exhausted was met with matched joy from the feeling of peace within my home.
  3. You are stronger than you think..Seriously, who knew?
  4. You will build a support system with gals and gents comparable only to the likes of Fort Knox.
  5. You will eventually feel like having sex again..and again, Enough said (welcome mom).
  6. You will learn to forgive. One day you will wake up feeling a little less bitter than the day prior and that pattern will continue. I know it's hard to think at the time, but time really does heal MOST wounds.
  7. The kids will thrive! Divorced parents, moving, losing a family dog. They are the strong ones. I am constantly in awe of their ability to adapt.
  8. There will be some mishaps..The thing to remember is to take it all in stride. Yes, my goal of moving to a new home was put off by almost a year due to some sort of IRS issue (as in I forgot to file). Yes I locked my keys in my car or in my home more than the average person (first name basis with tow truck guy) and yes, it took me longer to repair my credit than I had initially hoped. We still woke up every day happy as a family of four in our duplex. Life marched on.
  9. There will be love, it might just be a different kind than expected. I love my kiddos and I've even learned to love myself in the process. Anything or anyone else would just be an added bonus at this point.
  10. Eventually looking back you will see that you nailed it..Basically like a GD Boss :)