I was watching Tangled for the umpteenth time the other day with my daughter. I like the story line..don't get me wrong. I think Walt's peeps have their hearts in the right place, truly. However, they are kind of feeding our daughter's straight up BS. Every Disney show...related to chicks or princesses or any sort of female main character, all the same. So then we have these girls, my daughter included, who think it's going to be all white horses and fairy tales. The other day I was listening intently as she talked about "when she grows up." "I can't wait to get married and have babies, after college." Because this is my mantra...Okay whatever you want to do.. AFTER COLLEGE. Running through my head though was Really, really? I bought you tonka trucks, I tried to steer you away from my families inherited obsession with shoes. I signed you up for soccer and t-ball versus dance. I made sure that you played in the mud, touched bugs and didn't exclusively wear pink. What I want to hear her say is "Mom, I can't wait until I'm a kick ass attorney and I totally rock my job." I would even settle for social worker, police officer, trash collector..whatever I'm game. This is where Walt comes in and screws us..royally. I don't recall Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella (ok, maybe her), Ariel or Bella going to college, having jobs, working? It's kind of an unrealistic story which we all love to believe in at some point during our young impressionable girl youth. Okay, maybe I'm being to hard on her. I'm sure with me as her mother she will get there, fingers crossed. Which brings me to my next point. One word. Edward. Now, after the Disney mind f -ing...Our young tweens are reading and watching a romantic love story where a mystical vampire can sense when the love of his life is in danger. It's like she doesn't even have to beckon him. He just comes magically running, at the speed of light, during any dangerous situation. Don't get me wrong. I love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. We already have our tickets for the very last show because we're team Edward and we're going with some friends (child with two moms) and of course they're all team Bella..which is fine. Either way, I'm there. Yes, I'm part of the problem, I'm working on it. Finally, my last point. After our young impressionable daughters are taunted by Disney, then messed with by Edward, in comes Christian. Ahhh... Christian. Again. I get it. I'm all about the naughty romantic/soft-sometimes- hard pornish books that are all the rave. However, I am a grown woman and I REALIZE that what Christian has on the table is a complete farce. I'm hoping, no praying, that these girls of today DO NOT get their hands on these books until after they have had a little bit of life experience. I mean again..Isn't a super attractive, billionaire, who completely worships you in an almost fatal attraction kind of way (minus the bunnies) who is well hung and can have sex 50 times a day completely the norm? Yes..totally the norm, catch my drift.
Conclusion: yes this post is a bit negative..sorry, if you can't handle it read a different freaking blog where the moms are competing to see who has the best projects-recipes and who gets the most done in 24 hours. This IS NOT that blog. Reality..Marriage can be wonderful, but a prince today is a man or woman who notices you haven't brushed your hair or teeth for 2 days and makes the connection all on his own (key point) that you might need some help. Picks up his own dirty socks off the floor. Teaches our daughters how to change their own oil and tires. Is okay that I might and possibly do make more money than him, and has his shit completely together in the bedroom. BUT and this is a big BUT..if a cool 500 year old vampire who can read my thoughts, never needs to sleep, worships the ground I walk in because he truly thinks I'm the coolest person in the world comes along...I'm out :)
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