What happens when you combine the first snow of the season within 24 hours of the end of the world? In my head...Snowpocalypse, perhaps. Let me just preface that these 2 events are currently in the alleged category. Either way it means a trip to Walgreen's. I love Walgreen's. It's so close and it has a perfect combination of just about everything one could ever need. Yes...I know it's a little bit more expensive then the local grocery but well worth not having to drag 3 kiddos out too far in the rain (snowpocalypse precursor apparently). Mainly, what I needed was some chips and dip for a work shindig but I also decided to stock up on some things, just in case. In my basket: 2 bags of Tostitos, 2 jars of dip, 3 bags of Corn puffs (staple), 1/2 gallon of milk, scotch tape (never can have enough of this), pop and bread. The bread was a battle. There was only 1 loaf left and a older gentleman and I both locked eyes on it at the same time. I mean older as in 50ish. He looked at me and the 3 kids and then he realized he had lost, just on principal alone and strolled on by. He was irritated. Yeah..Merry Christmas to you too Ass, but out loud I said "Thank You" complimented with a huge smile. Whatever Grinch. I know...borderline boring story except for the Mayan apocalypse thing. Here's the funny part. Son: Mom, maybe you should grab an extra bottle of wine. Perhaps I'm sending the wrong message. Me: Ok dear, but I have some wine at home that has been sitting there for 2 months...Eye roll from me (seriously, when did he become so judgemental). Daughter: Why are all of these people here and why is everyone acting so crazy? Son: Um duh...Didn't you hear that it's going to be the end of the world on Friday? Daughter: No...who the heck said that? That is just plain stupid. Me: Honey, don't use that word please. Daughter: Seriously, that is dumb....Me: I know dear. Agreed.
PS...Okay, all of those things in my grocery cart plus 1 bottle of wine. Red. It's good for the heart and it was ON SALE. I mean...just in case :)
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