Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Preparing for the Snowpocalypse...

What happens when you combine the first snow of the season within 24 hours of the end of the world? In my head...Snowpocalypse, perhaps. Let me just preface that these 2 events are currently in the alleged category. Either way it means a trip to Walgreen's. I love Walgreen's. It's so close and it has a perfect combination of just about everything one could ever need. Yes...I know it's a little bit more expensive then the local grocery but well worth not having to drag 3 kiddos out too far in the rain (snowpocalypse precursor apparently). Mainly, what I needed was some chips and dip for a work shindig but I also decided to stock up on some things, just in case. In my basket: 2 bags of Tostitos, 2 jars of dip, 3 bags of Corn puffs (staple), 1/2 gallon of milk, scotch tape (never can have enough of this), pop and bread. The bread was a battle. There was only 1 loaf left and a older gentleman and I both locked eyes on it at the same time. I mean older as in 50ish. He looked at me and the 3 kids and then he realized he had lost, just on principal alone and strolled on by. He was irritated. Yeah..Merry Christmas to you too Ass, but out loud I said "Thank You" complimented with a huge smile. Whatever Grinch. I know...borderline boring story except for the Mayan apocalypse thing. Here's the funny part. Son: Mom, maybe you should grab an extra bottle of wine. Perhaps I'm sending the wrong message. Me: Ok dear, but I have some wine at home that has been sitting there for 2 months...Eye roll from me (seriously, when did he become so judgemental). Daughter: Why are all of these people here and why is everyone acting so crazy?  Son: Um duh...Didn't you hear that it's going to be the end of the world on Friday? Daughter: No...who the heck said that? That is just plain stupid. Me: Honey, don't use that word please. Daughter: Seriously, that is dumb....Me: I know dear. Agreed.

PS...Okay, all of those things in my grocery cart plus 1 bottle of wine. Red. It's good for the heart and it was ON SALE. I mean...just in case :)

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