Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mom Confessions

Because it's Sunday....

1) 6:30 am Saturdays. Because my kiddo's get up so early often my 2 year old usually will wake up early on the weekends as well. Thankfully, getting him a sippy with milk buys me about 20 more minutes, barely. However, after that final 20 minutes when I go in to get him out of his room he greets me with an adorable HI MAMA and somehow it's all worth it.

2) Going to church. This can also be turned into more of a selfish act when you consider that church is an hour long service and there is daycare provided...and it's free. It's a single mom's paradise. You throw in the fact that I'm greeted with acceptance, advice and wine and it's basically a no brainer.

3) Running. Again I can turn this into a confessional moment. The baby weight is melting off. It's great, truly. People always ask what I'm doing. I reply oh..running. Then comes the do you like to run question. No..I don't like to run, really? However, sneaking out to the garage to spend 45 minutes on the treadmill while the baby is sleeping is ALMOST like a vacation. It's me time, with music. If someone would of told me years ago that endorphin release would make me feel less crazy (key word feel) I would of started much sooner.

4) Sitters. I have the best sitters. I get it. Some moms are super catty and somehow their sitters never measure up. I completely feel the opposite. They're like family. One sitter I actually spend holidays with. These ladies are truly the best of the best. might be a little more whole foodish more than me but I'm completely thankful for it. I occasionally try to get her feathers ruffled by bringing in donuts, she loves it. I'm glad these ladies are on my side because it truly takes a village.

5) Ribbons. Yes, everyone deserves a ribbon, but only the WINNER deserves a blue one. I was raised in a competitive family. I can't help it.  I'm all about making sure everyone has their special moment but I also make it VERY clear to my kids that they really need to bust butt to accomplish things. They don't have to be the best but if it turns out they are the best at something...there better be a blue ribbon for it. Period.

6) Spankings. I don't do it often but occasionally I've had to. My kids know I mean business if I start threatening with a butt whoopin. Sometimes all the time outs in the world just don't cut it. I'm ok with it.

7) Spiders. Unless the spider is poisonous or jumps out at us like a squirrel monkey, he/she is not getting killed. Oddly enough we escort them outside, after we catch it that is. It's confusing for some. My daughter had a friend over who casually took her shoe off and pounded a spider and she was met with a united NOOOOOO from my family. Everything has it's place and job. A spider is no different.

8) Helping hands. Our Target family trips consist of my son pushing the cart, my daughter distracting the baby so I can grocery shop quickly. My son put the groceries in the back of my car, my daughter walks the cart back to return it. She also usually will take my Starbucks out of my hand to put in the console while I'm buckling the baby in. My older son will often start the car..if it's hot out to get the air conditioner going. When we get home my 3 little ducks all help unload the groceries from the car. I realize that we work together like a well oiled machine to get things done in our lives. The best's USUALLY without me having to ask.

9) Bath time. I routinely will try to sneak away during a weekend day and try to shave me legs. Alone. End result. The baby in the tub with me, driving cars down my calves while I try to shave. Somehow this becomes a family meeting. My daughter will come in to "chat" (yes the curtain is closed) and will talk to me about her week, or the latest drama on the school bus. My older son will then also miraculously appear and chime in about mine craft and how he did this or that, and what his ranking is..etc. It's a small bathroom that all 4 of us are crammed into. And while I realize that this is SCREAMING privacy talk (which I've had) I also realize that these moments aren't going to last forever and I cherish every one of them. And for one very SMALL fleeting second I sometimes even think...We could totally get a few more kiddos in here :)

Friday, August 9, 2013


Summer is coming to an end and although I've enjoyed my children this summer like most "normal" moms I too am doing my own countdown in my head. It's known as the how many more days until school starts up again countdown. 6 days. Then, the quiet will return. God willing. Love my children...but they have a serious case of ants in their pants. They are just as much ready for school to start as I am. Pretty much, or they will be...when I drop them off at their schools and take off at the speed of lightning.
The Rundown....
Friday: The day started with my son freaking out because enrollment into middle school is only for 3 days, 2 hour time slots. We're talking like 8-10 am. The freak out being I was already scheduled to work those days. He looks at me sternly at tells me that this is something I cannot miss. Seriously, who does he think I am?
Saturday: My daughter tells my parents who are over for dinner...It was so bad today. Mom made us help her pick up our rooms and THEN she also made me help her stir dinner, twice! My dad gave me the REALLY look? I just shook my head...
Sunday:  All hell broke loose when my 2 year old son peed on my daughter's backpack. My potty training method is zero pants while we're at home. This method of potty training is not for the faint of heart. One time our old dog peed on her other backpack. I guess this was the straw that "broke the camels backpack" so to speak.
Monday: My son confirming that he needs yet another appointment to talk to his counselor regarding the starting of middle school. He can be a little high strung. Less roll with the punches if you will. However, I called and made yet another appointment so he could get some things off his chest.
Tuesday: My daughter found out her teacher...Oh no!!! More craziness. Not only is her bestie not in her class but I'm not a fan of her teacher. I politely call up to ask if I can please switch. In my opinion all teachers are doing great work. This one, lets just say is more close to retiring than not and I think she might have lost some patience along the way. They let me!!! It's a summertime miracle!! They instruct me to call back early next week for an update.
Wednesday: School supply shopping. Lots of parents all dodging in and out of isles looking for the right items. A ridiculous list really. Does my daughter really need hand sanitizer, a protractor, 24 pencils (sharpened all be it) a scientific calculator and 4 black expo markers? That's just some of the items. It can get a little nuts. Especially when you take the children with.
Thursday: you think I should maybe just go to a private catholic school? No dear, I think you're going to be fine. Change is hard but everyone has to change schools. To be clear if you went to a private school it would still be a new school.  Is it ever going to end?
AND THE BEST DAY EVER FRIDAY: Schedule pickup day for my son. Everything was going well. Yes, I had to pay a late fee from last years lunch. 55 cents, fine. Yes, schedule days were Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Again, some parents work long hours whatever. So we get home and we're looking over his schedule and on his gym classes it says GIRLS GYM CLASS. My son has a name that perhaps could be mistaken for a girls name too. It could easily go either way. He looks at me and hands me the paper and dramatically asks me to call and get this fixed pronto!!  I explained that I didn't think there was an on call service for middle school scheduling mishaps but agreed that there totally should be (giggle giggle). At this point he pretty much went into straight up panic mode. My poor baby. I assured him that I would deal with this first thing on Monday, come hell or high water. Why couldn't he inherit my fun crazy genes instead of the nervous nelly ones from his dad?  My daughter on the other hand is all me. She looks over from playing her kindle and says..Do you know who my teacher is yet? No I don't. I'll find that out on Monday too (during my emergency phone call regarding the gym class thing). She casually looks at me and then goes back to playing her game and says...and I quote "whatevs." And that is what actually made my Friday. Love her :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why I love the south......

We are back from a much needed break!! We went to the beach. My family does really well there and my kiddos are actually very spoiled. The south has a mixture of the greatest people and constantly keep my comedic mind running. Keep in mind that I just got back from a straight through 15 hour drive with my mother. The fact that we are both alive speaks volumes as to how well the trip actually went. Here are some excerpts from the trip:

1) Little girl looks over to my daughter whom she is playing with poolside and casually asks.."Do you wanna ride my daddy like a dolphin?" I guess she felt bad because my daughter did not have her daddy around. Sad but true. My daughter politely shook her head and said No thanks. I had to work REALLY hard to not comment on the fact that I was pondering the offer myself :)

2) This story happened to a friend of mine, but it is too funny not to share. Apparently when you order a skinny latte at the local Starbucks in the south they make fun...Again sometimes we overlook what we take for granted daily.
Can I have a skinny vanilla latte?   
A what? Did you say skiiiiiiny? You all here what she said? She said skeeennny? What the heck is that?
Oh..that's a latte with skim milk.
Oh girl...We only have whole milk. We ain't got no skiiiiny nothing.  Chuckle, (Yankee's), okay, whatever you have will work.
3) In Alabama there is some code that you have to start out almost every sentence with the word Hey. And you cant just say it like we do here in Misery. Like...Hey guys. It's more of an excited screaming yelling thing. Hey!!!! You all see that funnel cloud? Hey!!!! Did you want cheese on your burger. Hey!!!! You all know how to upload videos to yooouuu tube (my son's favorite).  This is way different even for a slightly more than loud Midwestern gal herself. Either way, its an attention grabber.

4) Lastly...when people can tell that you are not local they are so genuinely nice. My mom and I had to call the  guy who we rented the condo from twice. The first time to get the wifi pass code which was conveniently posted on the fridge. Second to figure out how to work the damn 6 remote system entertainment center. Seriously, he should rethink that whole situation from just a general standpoint. It gets a ton worse when there is only women involved...Comparable to a mission freaking impossible.   Nicest guy ever...talked us through the whole how to get a DVD to play thing. Anywhoo...where I'm going with this is no matter who you talk to there if they know you are not local they will say at the end of every conversation, in passing, whatever..."You all having fun?" This is what kind of sells me on moving to the south. Kind people through and through. Cajuns on the other hand are a whole different kind of deal, entirely.

P.S......HEY!!! You all have a good hump day :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mom...Don't date men in drug cartels?

Great advice, given directly from my 11 year old son. Unsolicited...I might add. My wonderful big hearted son sat me down the other day to have a discussion. A discussion about dating. Play by play as follows.
Son: Mom, can we talk about something?
Me: Sure hon, what's up?
Son: Do you date people sometimes when we're gone at our dad's house? Me: Uh...what?
Son: Well, I just wanted to make sure that you are safe? I just need you to promise me that you won't get into the car with any guy who drives a van. You never know if they are in some sort of underground drug cartel.
Not only was I completely caught off guard with his line of questioning but I was also really confused about how he didn't know me well enough to understand that I would totally recognize someone who belonged to a drug cartel. I was thinking...duh, he knows I've seen Traffic.  After I clarified my position on stranger danger and my ability not to be persuaded into vans I did some reassuring to his little ego regarding my safety. Apparently this is a thing young boys do with their single moms. My friend's son mimicked almost this exact conversation with her. He's a little less anxious than my son so he left out the part about the drug cartel. However, he did proceed to ask her a few things about her dating life. Our silly children...If they only knew how tired we were after working such long shifts that mainly what we want to do is come home and be in our PJ's by 8:15 and be able to watch a whole episode of DATELINE: Real life Mysteries without falling asleep. They would understand that while we try to squeeze time in for dating the reality is that our lives as moms are just so centrally focused around them that our "dating life" isn't nearly as exciting as they imagine in their heads. I think a lot of it is testosterone and they're growing taller than us and they feel the need to protect. It's very sweet. Truly

Conclusion: The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree because there's a ton of other things I could add to the "not date" list. Boys named Norman. Boys who have 3 or more cats. Boys that can out drink me in girly drinks. Republicans...I mean my list is forever long.  But instead of sharing my list with him the big reassurance ticket winner was this...Me: Honey, the only reason I go out with boys ever is mainly to get free dinner. Rest assured I'm home in time to watch Dateline, and then I winked at him. Without even missing a beat he replied....Yeah, You haven't missed that show in a long time :)
Yep...he's my son.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pain in my grass!!!

Feeling like it's a crabby Monday. If you can't handle my biatch ranting today because you're in a super good mood visit a mommy and me craft blog. Please.

Crabby Monday rants that I'm not apologizing for:

1) On what planet is it okay as a property manager to hook up a hose post sod laying to a single mom's faucet and then leave a note stating that it needs to be watered (on my expense) pretty much for the next 24/7? Guess how long it took this girl to pull in the driveway and turn off the hose? 2.5 seconds. Result: My water bill will be paid for next month along with all of my neighbors. Seriously, does he think I'm an idiot?

2) Not apologizing for my sailor mouth. I always say PLEASE before I kindly tell someone to fu*^ off. See above :)

3) How is it my fault that your husband asked for my number at the grocery store? Please refrain from sending rude texts. This one I completely get and understand. However, I didn't make him pull out his phone and then proceed to peruse through his pictures and I would of remembered if he said...Um, I have a wife at home, is that cool?  Lesson learned. Next time.

4) Needing a mommy time out. Love, love, love them but there is a reason why it takes two to make a child. The main reason being there is someone close by when one parent needs a time out moment.

5) Pity party's of all kinds...I can only handle so much. Sometimes one just needs to GET OFF ONE'S ASS and do what obviously needs to be done. Whatever it is, whatever the case. Just get it done.

6) Not settling for less than what I want for my own daughter...If you need a reference you can most likely refer to any part of my blog and there is a usually something regarding this. Not just for me..for women in general. Especially true however on crabby Mondays.

7) Being fantucking fabulous..Not apologizing for this. To clarify.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pretty pretty Princessery

Mom, when I grow up can I be a pretty pretty princess? Seriously...Every woman dreams of being a princess. I can remember the moment when I realized that I was not going to be doing princess type activities on a daily basis. It really sucked. Truly. What I eventually have came to terms with is the fact that there are a few days a year where we as women really do get to actually celebrate and act like a princess. Mother's day and birthdays. I, being a Gemini obviously try to stretch that shiz out for a month long birthday celebration. It doesn't always work out that way, but I still give it a solid go every June. This week it is a dear friend of mines birthday. We are both turning 36 this year. Somehow we went from being "Alive at 35," and beach vacationing to having lunch at Cracker Barrel with the 70's and over crowd. Apparently this suddenly sneaks up on you when you hit the late 30's mark. The urge to have coffee and pie and play that pin jumping game. I digress.
Top 7 reasons why birthdays deserve a straight up princess party:
1) Children that growl, hiss, have moldy science experiments growing in zip lock bags and or also may still be toddling in diapers.
2) The need for hair dye.
3) Our mothers and or the fear of becoming our mothers.
4) Teachers and their over organizational skills that make one feel like a complete jackass in comparison.
5) Living with the same man for years and not killing him ( I'm still perfecting this skill. I may not be able to claim this reason).
6) Being a working mother.
7) Clown car type descriptions of body parts...

Conclusion: We will be celebrating princess style even if it's only at the Cracker Barrel. Pink boa's and all.
Dating snippet...Promised someone I would start sneaking these in, slowly. Don't ever settle for someone who doesn't recognize your need to at least be princess for a day. The way he/she looks at you should make you feel that way everyday. However, in the real world if they can't recognize how awesome you are on your special day, move on.
Roll Tide

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sand, Sun and Safety Rules?

I need a shirt. One that says I survived yet another winter in the great state of Missouri or Misery. Spring is here and it turns out that damn rodent told a whopper..freaking ground hog. The blizzard like conditions mixed with kids out of school, a barfing baby and a family move just about pushed me right over the edge. However, there is a silver lining. The children are with their dad for spring break and I being the great soccer mom that I am and in true typical Queen Bee fashion will be headed to the beach!!! I am breaking one of my most cardinal rules. I am flying to a state that normally I wouldn't be caught dead in. Let's just say it's the large one, that's south...I'm not a fan, but to clarify the flight is only 2 hours. I made peace with this decision by deciding to stay out of the main part of the state. I will be going to an island. No, not Padre Island, Jesus what am I 22? Let's just leave it at that. This is my own mini version of an Eat, Pray, Love moment, without the year long sabbatical. Some of us have children and other things to tend to on a daily basis. A few facts about the trip.
1. This is the first time I am taking a trip solo.
2. I will be flying into the busiest airport in the United States and navigating from there. I's fine. I have that cool app on my phone that gets me anywhere when I am lost, locally.
3. I have to hide it from my kiddos. Yes, I have those kids. Seriously, if they could be one of those Pitt kids I'm sure they would swap lives in a second just for the amount of traveling/flying they do. They love it. I didn't mean to show them so much at such a young just happened. Things could be worse. They could be addicted to chocolate or Ritalin or something else ridiculous.
4. My friends are kind of intense in the safety department. One friend..."Please remember Natalie Holloway." Um, okay rude. First of all...a. I think she sometimes forgets the fact that I'm a bad ass and b. this thing happens when you become a mom. It guides your every decision. It brings your carefree ass back to reality. It changes your so many ways. Yes..wonderful and also sometimes taxing ways that I am so blessed to have, most of the time.  I remind her that I will not be putting myself in any of those situations and again I watch almost every crime show that is made for TV so she can RELAX. It's really cute though. One friend made me promise to fly home. I guess she thinks I'm going to go rogue and stay in the state that I cannot almost even admit that I'm going to.  Another friend stated that she needs a text every 12 hours or she's going to call the police :)  Those gals. I love them, I really do.
Anywhoo..I'm excited to go and I can't wait to post about my adventures. Secretly of course,  so my kids don't catch me in some sort of  traveling story mishap...Haters.
P.S. On a side note. One of my biggest pet peeves. "Oh, make sure you get all of your traveling out of your system when you are young. You won't be able to do that later on in life." To those naysayers....Agreed, it's harder later, but I'm glad I started traveling when I did. If I had began traveling at such an early age I'm pretty sure I would now be a professional cross country backpacker living some sort of nomadic existence, with a home base in Sweden..for real. I'm glad I made the choices I did at the times  I did...Life is short. If I live to be 100 (it could happen) I've only just  begun.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One tiny pill......

It's very weird. The day that you realize that you are ALL DONE having children. It comes sooner for some women than others. One day I'm sitting in my doctor's office..ok laying with my legs in stirrups to be more precise and him and I start having the famous what form of birth control are you using conversation? Um..the catholic method maybe..followed by a healthy dose of I got my period dancing..sort of. At first he suggests Mirena, an IUD. I'm not a big fan. It feels foreign and the thought of it just sitting in there looking around seems odd to me. I know the IUD is not alive. It still freaks me out non the less. Next in line comes the pill.  Super..I took it for years..I mean YEARS, should be fine. In the interim of waiting to get my tubes tied I can commit to taking something as easy one little tiny pill, right?  Well let me just say that after being off all forms of  birth control for quite some time I have decided that I  kind of like my own hormones. I guess I didn't realize the healthy dose of hormones that gets added to the mix when you take the pill..I'm actually feeling a little bit sorry for my ex husband because I'm pretty sure I took it for almost the entire marriage (minus a couple kiddo's).
Week 1: Also known as homicidal facebook posting week.
Week 2: Also known as beating down the door of exes week and then threatening to call the police because he wouldn't let the children come out. I was also 15 minutes early..Whatever, details.
Week 3: Also known as the I'm sorry..I have no idea what I want right now but perhaps you should figure it out..poor week.
Week 4: Mediation. Hormones were dialing down but overall still nuts, and I'm altogether not a great mediator, that I can admit wholeheartedly.
Granted, Most of the time I would take credit for some of this crazy, but not this time. It was like a really bad episode all month long that starred one raging bitch. Whoa.
Conclusion: Me calling my doctor and explaining that I might need to be moved to the lowest form of estrogen pill there is, just for every one's safety. He agrees while still trying to get me to switch to Mirena. I swear he works for them..Truly.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fight Club Poster Children

Let me first just start by saying...I'm off the Pitt. Yes he's adorable, but his whole image was ruined for me once he left Jennifer A. I'm a Jennifer fan, thick and thin. He may now be married to the husband stealing, globe trotting, do gooding, orphan adopting woman and I know he is all about helping others.  I'm still not a fan, all I'm saying. With that being PERFECTLY clear I can however say that I did enjoy a few of his movies. Fight Club being one of them. Moving on.....This past week was challenging. A lot challenging. One of life's lessons that I try to teach my children constantly is family loyalty. My 11 year old doesn't seem to get it. My daughter on the other hand does. She loves her brother and anyone that messes with him better look out. She's a force to be reckoned with. Spitfire. Anywooo...Here is what I witnessed last week with them.  As usual the kids are in the backyard with the gang of neighborhood children. All boys plus my daughter. We have a tire swing. They argue over who gets to ride on it..who's turn it is, the order of things. You can imagine. Lots and lots of young testosterone all trying to run the show. I'm watching from my dining room window. They don't know I'm watching. At some point the boys get mean and my daughter usually comes in crying or saying how "unfair" her life is. I get it. It does seem unfair in her eyes that there are only boys around to play with.  I watch as my daughter reluctantly loses her spot on the tire swing. She gets off and then this bigger boy pushes her down. I am standing there getting super pissed about the fact this boy did this..super pissed. I'm about to snatch up my baby and go outside and yell when suddenly my son decides to have an ahhh ha moment!!!!
My son gets off the tire swing and helps his sister up and comes to her defense. There's a lot of pointing and shouting and get out of my yard and DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER kind of language. At that moment all I can feel is hot tears streaming down my angry face. And then what comes next is relief. My kids come walking towards the house. I rush around so they don't see me watching...wipe my tears and act like I saw nothing. I don't know why and frankly I don't care the reasoning, but something changed. I have been shoving this message of family and loyalty and blood is thicker than water down his throat oh, I don't know for about 11 years now. Perhaps he thinks his sister is fine and can always hold her own. Most of the time she can. I expected to see her rise up and give that boy a piece of her mind. What I'm getting at is..... I'm glad she didn't have too, for once.
Conclusion: I was raised to look out for myself only pretty much. Family was there but was not the absolute. I'm trying to teach my children differently. I think they are finally starting to get the message. This was a good mom moment...a very good mom moment. Hug your kids tight tonight...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Growing my Exoskeleton

Bullying. Life is full of bullies in one way or another. Easiest way to deal with them is to grow an extreme backbone. This task I've already completed. In light of recent events..I'm learning that I might need to also work on an exoskeleton. Other nerds get it. Pretty sure that single parents do as well.
In a perfect world ex spouses co-parent together perfectly. There is no arguing. They do holidays together as well as birthdays. I actually know someone who has this arrangement with her ex. It is really sweet. I'm not quite sure how she pulls it off. Either way, I envy her. Flash forward to my life...I'm standing literally in front of the judge in some sort of conference. I'm not really listening well. Partly because I can get a little distracted, whatever, but mostly because I hate the words that are coming out of his mouth. Remember old men always say I have sass mouth. Let's keep in mind that I WASN'T talking. The judge is going on and on about progressive parenting and how dads need more time with their children versus the standard custody arrangement. I completely agree. However, since my child is only ONE I also kind of feel that it's not fair to him that he have to split custody between both parents on a week here and a week there basis. Crib hopping is not a skill that I really want him learning at such an early age. I mean shit..can we at least just wait until it's at least toddler bed hopping? The judge proceeds to go on about how he doesn't care that my son has two other siblings at home, "sibling group isn't that important." Dude...WTF? It kind of is, but yes father time trumps it because he is the PARENT, got it. I've never withheld custody...even in the brief phase where his dad forgot that he needed a stable residence to live at. I felt like not only was I being bullied, but my attorney was as well. The judge clearly had his balls in his hands and was squeezing them. I tried to remain calm. I'm not really great at hiding my body language ( sass mouth minus the talking). The judge then proceeded to call me on my non vocal version of sass mouth, which ok...did kind of look like eye rolling and looking away. Yes, at 35 I got SCOLDED...It was REALLY, REALLY hard for me at that point to not say a word, but I didn't. I looked back to my friend for moral support. She looked worried, that's a bad sign. Thank God she's southern. I couldn't have brought a better person to help me to remain calm. Any of my other friends most likely would have hard a hard time containg their own version of sass mouth. It's been a very long movie for them to watch..It hasn't been easy for them, I know that and I love them for it. Enough said. Even with all of that I am complete agreement that my ex needs tons of time with his son which he's just not split down the middle, he's just too little for that right now.
Conclusion: Less kittens and rainbow version of my divorce probably means a new attorney. Damn it. But let's face it...I've never been a kitten kind of girl...I'm okay with it :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wagon diving little brothers..

Being the middle child is hard, I hear. This complaint is frequently voiced by my daughter. She is stuck in the middle between two brothers ages 11 and 1. In her world, she's not cool enough for her older brother and well the baby know how babies are, spoiled. I try to emphasize to her how awesome it is to be a big sister and how the baby will always look up to her. She is my daughter. She's not buying it. She gives me this hands on her hips glare...that speaks volumes as to my BS pep talk. Her baby brother loves her so much. He follows her around everywhere. He looks for her when she sneaks off to play in her room. His usual is to go in there and snatch a Barbie from the pile and take off running down the hallway. He has learned to say her name, and he does over and over. Very similar to the mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom chant... He will even reach up his hands for her to pick him up. Hernia might eventually be an issue considering she is barely double his weight and he is 18 months and he is 8, but whatever it's fine. Watching all of this through mom eyes is heart melting.
However, I did bare witness to a particular rough morning the other day, that has kept me laughing ever since. Here's how it goes. 7 am..I did my zombie pre coffee walk to the crib to get the baby out. He was awake. I picked him up and set him on the floor. The minute his feet hits the floor he is off and running, babbling, clapping looking for his siblings. They were in the living room still asleep. On non school nights they do this sort of camp out in the living room fort building thing and watch TV probably entirely too late and eat junk food. I'm okay with it, they're only young once. My daughter was still fast asleep on her little fold out couch. I kept walking and headed into the kitchen to start the coffee pot. A few minutes later I turned around and this is what I saw. The baby had oh so carefully dragged his little plastic radio flyer wagon over next to his sister's side. He was now standing inside the wagon and hovering next to her. Seemed odd? Without warning, he did what I can only describe as a full frontal open armed type of stage dive (from his wagon) on top of his sister, laughing and giggling the whole way. Ohhh...this child. Whoever said baby number 3 was going to be easy...was LYING, clearly. It all happened so fast and even though I was only steps away I didn't get there in time to stop the madness. Flash forward...My daughter crying, with this WTF startled look on her face. Meanwhile her baby brother still on top of her within about 1 inch from her face smiling. He had knocked the wind out of her. I was attempting to help while trying to keep from laughing. I saved those laughs for later when I had to walk in the other room because it was so hilarious but you can't just openly laugh..duh.. Finally, the crying has stopped. The baby had done his job and his idol was now awake and he began his normal day of playing. My daughter started her at this point well warranted middle child ranting. Daughter: See..this is why I hate being in the middle, and THIS is why it's so unfair, and why do I have to be the only girl? Me: Yes's completely unfair, and I have no idea why your little brother proceeded to wagon dive onto you this morning (giggle).
Conclusion: I see her point I do. There's nothing I can do to really fix it except lavish her with pedicures, clearly my only option...
PS: Picture of her taken on the actual morning of this incident. She obviously deserved a latte, decaf of course.